Act natural! Don’t be nervous! Well, that’s easier said than done when you’re standing in front of a group of people and delivering what, at that point in time, feels like the most important public appearance you’ve ever made. Have you dressed right? Is your hair __1
all in place? Can you see you sweating? __2
Have you heard Winston Churchill? What about Dr. Martin Luther __3
King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln? What do all these people have in common? They are famous people who made famous speeches. John F. Kennedy, in his presidential inaugural address said: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.” We always admire people who are eloquent as that, and __4
we all wish we could be so eloquent ourselves.
Have you ever drew special attention to other people speaking __5
in the public? __6
What are qualities that a person needs in order to make a great __7
speech? There is an old Chinese saying that went, “A man is good __8
because of his mouth, and a horse is good because of its legs.”Humans has the ability to communicate through speech, and in speech __9
We have a special opportunity to make impact. Sometimes, it’s a __10
lasting one.