新浪微博 @wangxiaocn關(guān)注微博
聯(lián)系方式 400-18-8000
module 1 – getting started
q1.what will happen when you compile and run the following code?
public class myclass{
static int i;
public static void main(string argv[]){
1) error variable i may not have been initialized
2) null
3) 1
4) 0
q2.which of the following will compile without error (2)(3)
import java.awt.*;
package mypackage;
class myclass {}
package mypackage;
import java.awt.*;
class myclass{}
/*this is a comment */
package mypackage;
import java.awt.*;
class myclass{}
q3.what will happen if you try to compile and run the following code (1)
public class myclass {
public static void main(string arguments[]) {
public void amethod(string[] arguments) {
1) error can't make static reference to void amethod.
2) error method main not correct
3) error array must include parameter
4) amethod must be declared with string
q4.given the following code(2)
public class sytch{
int x=2000;
public static void main(string argv[]){
system.out.println("ms "+argv[1]+"please pay $"+x);
what will happen if you attempt to compile and run this code with the command line
java sytch jones diggle
1) compilation and output of ms diggle please pay $2000
2) compile time error
3) compilation and output of ms jones please pay $2000
4) compilation but runtime error
q5.you have a public class called myclass with the main method defined as follows(4)
public static void main(string parm[]){
if you attempt to compile the class and run the program as follows
java myclass hello
what will happen?
1) compile time error, main is not correctly defined
2) run time error, main is not correctly defined
3) compilation and output of java
4) compilation and output of hello